Strategically located on Ellington Field
79,783 square feet
Tenant Amenities and Services
Card key access system
Central access to Clear Lake, Pasadena, downtown Houston and Hobby Airport
Covered parking available
Electronic lobby directory
Excellent access via Highway 3, Interstate 45 and Beltway 8
Fiber enabled building
On-site maintenance
Parking available for high density user; ratio 6:1,000
Recently updated common area finishes and beautiful granite lobby
Separate freight elevator with loading dock
Shaded plaza area
Stream-line paper recycling
Unreserved parking at no charge
Jennifer Solis, Property Management
Main: 832-300-1515 | Mobile: 832-840-6461Jeff Schweitzer, Asset Management
Main: 214-574-4452 | Mobile: 214-448-3472Matt Asvestas, Leasing
Main: 713-300-0305 | Mobile: 832-652-6480Grant Schiro, Leasing
Main: 713-300-0275